
A Glitch

Hi everyone!

Have you noticed the new look/name yet? I have to admit that I am kind of loving it! Along with the new look comes tons of new features, pages, and packages! So please make sure you click the home button on top and take a look around!

So the reason that I am posting this today is to let you all know that there was a minor glitch on the questionnaires, which you can now answer right from the site! Once you send in your questionnaire we begin the process of getting you onto the waiting list. The problem is that for the last 24 hours I was not receiving the questionnaires. So if you sent one in, and didn't receive a confirmation email from me, please go back and do it again! I would hate to miss out on the opportunity of working with any of you!

Also, I want to say a huge THANK YOU to all of you who are following me and have been supporting me along the way. I look at the waiting list to the right and I am just in shock! It makes me happier than you will ever know that people like what I am doing. I am booked through August which is AMAZING! You all make me so very happy and I just thought you should know!


being mom{me} said...

I love it!!! It looks awesome....I CANNOT wait for mine! :)

rachel said...

you're adorable. i love everything about your new site and i can't wait to get started on my questionarre and start brainstorming my new look with you. you are so talented! xo