
The Journey...

I remember exactly when Lyndi contacted me wanting a blog design. I had just extended my waiting list out a month and was so worried that it would cause me to stop receiving clients. When I nervously made sure the wait time was okay with her she told me that was more than fine because she loved my design style and didn't want to work with anyone else but me. 

I was more than honored, and I was even more excited to work on her project at this point. We kept in touch while she was waiting and she let me know any edits or additions to her questionnaire, along with new design inspirations that she came across. By the way... I LOVE when people do that!!! Then, last week, the time came and we were ready to start her design. 
I love it! Everything from the fun fonts, to the colors that just POP! She was such a pleasure to work with. Then I got the surprise of seeing this post the day of her transfer. It was so sweet!

Make sure you head over to The Journey... and check Lyndi out! Hop over to the little icon with the heart on it and follow her on bloglovin! I know she will love it!