
Olive You

Today I had the pleasure of completing a design for Stephany, a close friend of mine, who blogs over at Olive You. I was initially hired just to do a header and we ended up going all out! I can not tell you how happy I am that we did!
The one thing that she knew was that she wanted a character set to represent herself and her adorable little boy. We found the PERFECT image that had a mom and a little boy. The little boy looked almost just like her son. The mom was a little different though. So we contacted Lauren at HeyHey Designs and I am so freaking happy that we did. Lauren was amazing at making a few color changes for us and she added a little baby bump for a minimal fee because Stephany and her husband are expecting baby #2 in October and we wanted the image to really represent her. Lauren does AMAZING work and I will definitely be returning to her any time a customer wants an amazing illustration like this. 

Once we had the illustration the rest just kind of came naturally. Stephany is used to playing around with her designs, so she has a really creative mind and was able to give some great ideas that I quite honestly would not have thought about. 

Stephany is such an amazing woman and I am so happy to have had this opportunity to work closely with her like this! Make sure you head over to Olive You and say hello! You won't regret it!